Dear subscriber,
This week we have a plethora of proceedings, an excess of events, a flowering bouquet of functions on delicious display for your delight and, naturally, your riveting research.
We ask you to forgive our alliterations and remember to remember us by forwarding opportunities our e-mail address at when you find yourself in possession of calls for papers, event notifications, job opportunities, or other Religious Studies-related digital items that you would like to share!
Bon appétit!
Calls for papers
Journal: Aries
Special Issue: Esotericism and the Cognitive Science of Religion
Deadline: June 15, 2015 (abstract); February 1, 2016 (completed manuscripts)
Religion as Creativity: An interdisciplinary Conference
October 2–4, 2015
Miami University, OH (!), USA
Deadline: July 1, 2015
Death and Identity in Scotland From the Medieval To the Modern: Beliefs, Attitudes and Practices
January 29–31, 2016
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Deadline: October 16, 2015
Conference: The Jewish Life of Jesus (Toledoth Yeshu) in Context: Jewish-Christian Polemics in Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History
June 29–July 1, 2015
University of Bern, Switzerland
Conference: Grounding the Sacred through Literature and the Arts
July 23–26, 2015
Australian Catholic University, Australia
Middle Eastern Christians in Diaspora: Past and Present, Continuity and Change
May 26–27, 2015
St Andrews, Scotland
Old Religion and New Spirituality: Continuity and changes in the background of secularization
May 26–29, 2015
University of Tartu, Estonia
Spirit and Sentiment: Affective Trajectories of Religious Being in Urban Africa
May 28–30, 2015
Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences
May 28–30, 2015
Ottawa, Canada