Wendy Fletcher

Dr. Fletcher’s areas of specialization include the history of race and racism in Canada, the intersection of culture and Christianity in the 20th century – including the story of gender and women’s experience in religious leadership, the history of colonization and its impact on Canadian First Nations, and the decline of Christianity in the North American culture. She has authored a variety of books, book chapters, and articles over the course of her career. Her most recent books, both published by Oxford University press, have been released spring 2018: “Christianity in World Religions” 5th edition”, and “Space for Race: Decoding Issues of Race, Belonging and Multi- Culturalism in Canada and Beyond”. As an educator, she has developed special relationships with a number of Canadian First Nations, having been adopted into two of them. Dr. Fletcher is known for her collegial leadership style and her capacity in inter-cultural work.


Contributions by Wendy Fletcher


Religion and Multiculturalism in Canada and Beyond

Through personal stories and historical accounts not always included in the telling of multiculturalism in Canada, Fletcher explores the merits of belonging. Defining the term "belonging" we learn the reality of Canadian multiculturalism and re-conceive how Canada can move forward to truly be an inclusive society. Fletcher explains the importance of her work in this book, and how is can be use by religious studies scholars in the current political landscape.