Nathan Schneider

I’m Nathan Schneider, a writer and editor based in Brooklyn. I've written a book each on God and the Occupy movement. Writing articles for a variety of publications—from The New York Times and Harper’s and The Nation to this Row Boat—keeps my notebooks filled. Editing the online religion magazine Killing the Buddha keeps me weird. Waging Nonviolence, a publication I co-founded, keeps me up on struggles for justice around the world. And being a contributing editor at the Social Science Research Council’s online forum The Immanent Frame keeps me in touch with the academy.


Contributions by Nathan Schneider


THATCamp Roundtable on Digital Religious Studies

What does it mean to teach or research religious studies digitally? Does religious "data" make digital religious studies distinct within the digital humanities? What is a digital religious studies research project you think more people should know about? How can departments and the field better support digital methods and pedagogies? Six scholars gathered at the AAR's groundbreaking THATCamp to discuss these questions and more!