Welcome to this week’s RSP Opportunities Digest!
- RSP is not responsible for any of the content presented below.
- If you have questions regarding any of the opportunities listed, please contact the respective organizers directly.
- If you have material you would like to see in next week’s digest, or at some point in the future, please send an e-mail to oppsdigest@religiousstudiesproject.com
- If you would like to contact us for any other reason, please use our contact page.
Calls for papers
Conference: World Congress: “Spirituality and Creativity in Management: Challenges for the future”
April 23-24, 2015
Barcelona, Spain
Deadline: November 28, 2014
Conference: AAR: Desire and Devotion
May 1-2, 2015
Montreal, Canada
Deadline: February 16, 2015
Conference: Religion, Gender and Body Politics: Post-secular, post-colonial and queer perspectives
February 12-14, 2015
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Deadline: December 1, 2014
More information (CFP), (program)
Conference: Old Religion and New Spirituality: continuity and changes in the background of secularization
May 26-29, 2015
University of Tartu, Estonia
ISARS panel: “Those who go bump in the night”: Shamans, Initiation and Masks
October 9–13, 2015
Delphi, Greece
Deadline: October 31, 2014
More information (panel, ISARS)
Project: Motherhood(s) and polytheisms
Deadline: December 31, 2014
Book series: Feminist Studies and Sacred Texts
Conferences and events
Workshop: Varieties of Religious (Super)Diversity
November 26th 10.30-4.00,
University of Birmingham, UK