Religious Studies Project Opportunities Digest – 26 August 2014

Welcome to this week’s opportunities digest!

We would like to invite our readers to contribute to the Religious Studies Project. If you would like to contribute with an interview, book reviews, conference reports, comments or other ideas, we would love to hear from you! Also keep in mind that you can find us on TwitterFacebook and iTunes!

Now, for this week’s digest:

  • RSP is not responsible for any of the content presented below.
  • If you have questions regarding any of the opportunities listed, please contact the respective organizers directly.
  • If you have material you would like to see in next week’s digest, or at some point in the future, please send an e-mail to
  • If you would like to contact us for any other reason, please use our contact page.

Calls for papers

Journal of Contemporary Religion Special Issue 

What is different about gender across religious cultures?

Calls for: articles

Deadline: October 15, 2014 (abstracts); April, 2015 (full papers)

More information (pdf)

Conference: York Christian Apocrypha Symposium: Fakes, Forgeries and Fictions

September 24–26, 2014

York University, Toronto, Canada

Calls for: abstracts, papers, panels

Deadline: September 30, 2014

More information

Conference: Religion and Realism

November 28, 2014

The American University in Rome, Italy

Calls for: abstracts

Deadline: September 1, 2014

More information

IAHR panel: Quaerendum est in litteris quod non est in actis: Issues of Religious Historiography in Scholarly Correspondences

August 23–29, 2015

Deadline: September 6, 2014

More information (pdf)


Inform Autumn Seminar: Minority Religions and Schooling

December 6, 2014, 9:30 AM – 4:45 PM

London School of Economics, UK

More information (pdf)


Deadline prolonged: PhD scholarships in Buddhist Studies

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet München

New deadline: 15 October 2014

More information

Grants and awards

Don Yoder Graduate and William A. Wilson Undergraduate Paper Prizes

American Folklore Society Annual Meeting: Folk Belief and Religious Folklife Section

Deadline: September 15, 2014

More information