Welcome to the Religious Studies Opportunities Digest! This week you will find 25 new job opportunities, 3 Fellowships, 5 Calls for Papers, 1 conference, and 2 other events/submissions.
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Professor in Classics: Mediterranean/Near Eastern Culture Beyond Greece and Rome (Tenure-track)
College of the Holy Cross, USA
Deadline: September 22, 2023
More Information: https://careers.historians.org/jobs/19017127/tenure-track-assistant-prof-in-classics-mediterranean-near-eastern-culture-beyond-greece-or-rome
Assistant Professor in Religious Studies (Tenure-track)
University of Missouri, USA
Deadline: October 9, 2023
More Information: https://t.co/iRzXOxp163
Assistant Professor in Sociology (Tenure-track)
The Ohio State University, USA
More Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25365?tw
Assistant Professor in History (Tenure-track)
North Carolina State University, USA
More Information: https://jobs.ncsu.edu/postings/189081
Assistant Professor in Pre-Modern Middle East/North Africa and Islamic World History (Tenure-track)
University of Utah, USA
Deadline: November 3, 2023
More Information: https://careers.historians.org/jobs/19012392/assistant-professorship-in-pre-modern-middle-east-north-africa-and-islamic-world-history-600-1400-c
Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Core Curriculum and Assistant Director of the Core Curriculum (Full-time, non-tenure-track, yearlong admin. duties)
Boston College, USA
Deadline: February 15, 2024
More Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25338?tw
Collegiate Assistant Professor (4-year appointment, Full-time, non-tenure-track)
University of Chicago, USA
Deadline: October 13, 2023
More Information: https://careers.historians.org/jobs/18988140/collegiate-assistant-professor
Visiting Assistant Professor (1 course only)
Northeastern University, USA
More Information: e.bucar@northeastern.edu
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Faith, Disability, and Flourishing
Baylor University, USA
More Information: https://www.aaidd.org/career-center/job-details/post-doctoral-research-associate-(baylor-university)
Assistant Professor of Sociology (Tenure-track)
Trinity College, USA
Deadline: October 16, 2023
More Information: https://trincoll.peopleadmin.com/postings/3078?fbclid=IwAR0Ynun_xS-5X1l3pZ0E7C0RMuR0PuFm-w3wt8PQ_ipjuwvCwMKT5sHJeaM
Assistant Professor in the Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality
Harvard University, USA
Deadline: September 15, 2023
More Information: https://academicpositions.harvard.edu/postings/12619
Religion and Disability Program Director
Baylor University, USA
More Information: https://www.higheredjobs.com/admin/details.cfm?JobCode=178486514
Assistant Professor in History of European Imperialism, Colonialism, and/or Decolonization (Tenure-track)
Boston University, USA
Deadline: February 22, 2023
More Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25412?tw
Assistant Professor in Anthropology (Tenure-track)
Boston University, USA
Deadline: February 22, 2023
More Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25413?tw
Faculty Fellow: Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement (Full-time, not-tenure-track)
New York University, USA
Deadline: January 5, 2023
More Information: https://careers.historians.org/jobs/19034532/faculty-fellow-xe-experimental-humanities-social-engagement
Director of the Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life (Full-time, non-tenure-track)
Trinity College, USA
Deadline: October 2, 2023
More Information: https://trincoll.peopleadmin.com/postings/3085
Minerva Recruitment Job Listings Cite (with areas specifically tailored for Ph.D.)
More Information: Minerva Recruitment – Higher Education Graduate Jobs, UK & Worldwide (minerva-recruitment.com)
AAR/SBL Job Forum
Research Social Scientist
Department of the Interior, USA
More Information: https://www.usajobs.gov/job/743844700
Senior Program Officer (Advanced degree required)
American Institute of Research, USA
More Information: Careers |American Institutes for Research| Senior Program Officer in Remote | Careers at Equity Initiative (icims.com)
Research Analyst
National Defense University, USA
More Information: https://careers.historians.org/jobs/19023487/research-analyst
Education Coordinator
Snap One, USA
More Information: Education Coordinator in Lehi, Utah | Careers at Lehi, Utah (icims.com)
Colorado Center for the Book Program Coordinator (Advanced degree in humanities desired)
Colorado Humanities, USA
More Information: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3684467434/
IRB Training Coordinator (Full-time)
Augusta University, USA
More Information: Careers – BOR Modification (usg.edu)
Curriculum Manager
Alutiiq LLC, USA
More Information: https://t.co/q8aEug80DA
Research Assistant
Public Religion Research Institute, USA
Deadline: October 4, 2023
More Information: https://www.prri.org/about/careers-and-fellowships/
Research Coordinator
Dotdash Meredith, USA
More Information: https://meredith.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/EXT/job/New-York–NY-225-Liberty/Research-Coordinator_JR12913
Hoover Institution Fellowship (5-year appointment, possibility of renewal)
Stanford University, USA
Deadline: November 11, 2023
More Information: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25334?tw
Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture (1-year appointment, possibility of renewal)
Indiana University, USA
Deadline: September 15, 2023
More Information: https://raac.iupui.edu/programs/postdoctoral-research-position/
2024-2025 Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies
Centre for Advanced Studies at Heidelberg University, USA
Deadline: August 31, 2023
More Information: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/capas/call_for_applications_24-25.html
Call for Papers:
Oxford Public Philosophy
Deadline: October 1, 2023
More Information: https://www.oxfordpublicphilosophy.com/submissions-turn4-1
Australian Association for the Study of Religion Annual Conference
Deadline: September 1, 2023
More Information: https://aasr.us20.list-manage.com/track/click?u=66ad6971e58faa2afa4a0216c&id=a0f9dc6c73&e=ea2dc4a949
14th International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society
Deadline: May 23, 2024
More Information: http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=175805©ownerid=47287
Dark Green Religion in Europe: History & Impacts – Dangers & Proposals
Deadline: October 15, 2023
More Information: https://www.religiousstudiesproject.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/CfP-Dark-Green-Religion-in-Europe.pdf
Religion and Television Procedural
Deadline: December 15, 2023
More Information: https://popularcultureandtheology.com/2023/08/08/call-for-papers-religion-and-the-television-procedural/
Religious Research Association 2023 Annual Conference
Salt Lake City, USA
Date: October 20-22
More Information: https://rraweb.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=55bb1644f88e9457d182915ac&id=e22642f0d0&e=c7b3861607
2023-2024 Humanities in Class Webinars
More Information: https://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/education-programs/webinars/
Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network 2023 Annual Lecture
More Information: https://t.co/YOAUys1hwz