Religious Studies Opportunties Digest – 3 May 2013

We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page.wordle 2013

In this issue:

  • Resources

  • Journals

  • Call for papers

  • Conferences

  • Internships/Summer Schools

  • Jobs


Open access publisher Social Sciences Directory included in DOAJ

Description: Social Sciences Directory has just published its third issue of papers and we are delighted to announce that we have been accepted for inclusion in the Directory of Open

Access Journals. As a prestigious database it has always been our intention to gain entry and it is a strong signal that we have d …

Contact: dan.scott [at]


Announcement ID: 203298


Journal of Hindu Studies, Advance Notice

Journal of Contemporary Religion, vol 28, no. 2


CFP: Submissions are now open for the July 2013 issue of “Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal” (Vol. 4 No. 3).

See for past issues.

Articles can be on any topic relating to:


Paranormal/Supernatural/Spiritual/Religious belief/experience, Magic, Parapsychology, Afterlife Research, etc., Mediumship, Shamanism, Occultism, etc., Psychedelic experience, Extraordinary encounters in the field (particularly focussing on the ethnographic interpretation and presentation of extraordinary experiences), General issues in the anthropology of consciousness, religion and experience…


Although anthropological and ethnographic approaches are central to the journal (and it would be nice to see more ethnographic submissions), we also welcome contributions from other disciplines including folklore, history, sociology, psychology, parapsychology and indeed any discipline which has an interesting contribution to make.


If you have an idea for an article that you think would be suitable for the journal, or have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the editor via


Articles should be written in an academic, though accessible style, and should utilise the Harvard referencing system (for information visit All articles should be submitted no later than June 28th 2013.


CFP: Sacred and secular: Researching the role of religion in contemporary Europe

 University of Leicester, Friday 21 June 2013

 This one-day workshop seeks to provide an important opportunity for developing collaborative links between early-career researchers, doctoral researchers and practitioners. The main aims are: (1) to develop a research agenda relating to the role of religion in the politics of European countries, looking at its interaction with political parties, civil society, public opinion and governing institutions; and (2) to facilitate an intellectual exchange on the differing methodological approaches, analytical frameworks and theoretical perspectives used to study religion and its role in the political process.

The workshop will involve both panels for the presentation of research and a roundtable discussion featuring representatives from leading think-tanks.

We have a small number of places available for those who wish to attend. Proposals for papers should include a title and an abstract of up to 200 words.

To submit proposals, or for further information, please contact Dr Ben Clements at bc101 [at]

**Deadline for proposals: 8 May 2013**



A few final subsidised places have opened up for the Contemporary Religion in Historical Perspective: Engaging outside Academia conference at The Open University on Milton Keynes on 15-16 May.

Speakers include: Marion Bowman; George Chryssides; Dan Cohn-Sherbok; Matthew Cragoe; John Eade; Dawoud El-Alami; Rob Gleave; Ronald Hutton; Frances Knight; Kim Knott; Edward Royle; Steven Sutcliffe; David Voas; Rob Warner; John Wolffe.

The conference will engage with topics like: How research can inform current debates on religion? What might historical perspective bring to research on contemporary religion? What can academics and religious practitioners learn from each other?

For more details (ignore the deadlines), please visit:

Alternatively, please contact Dr John Maiden (j.maiden [AT] ).



Date: 2013-06-12

Description: The Centre on Human Rights in Conflict organises a one-day workshop on Law, Faith and Historical Memory. Date: 12 JUNE 2013 Venue: Stratford campus, University of East London, London What role can and should the law play in the “recovery” or “recuperation” of the collective memory of state sanctioned

Contact: chrc [at]


Announcement ID: 203304



Booking is now LIVE for the EASR conference hosted by the BASR at Liverpool Hope University, 3rd-6th September!  Please go to for all details. Hope University offers comfortable Standard accommodation, with limited rooms available in the Executive suite; book early to avoid disappointment!

Please note, the call for papers remains open, with both individual and panel proposals warmly received! These details, as well as a link to the online Booking page, can also be found at .

We look forward to welcoming you to Liverpool Hope’s lovely campus, and to enjoying a full conference with outstanding keynote speakers, engaging papers, and highlights including  a gala dinner and evening with a Beatle’s tribute band! (“More popular than Jesus”? You’ll have to be the judge!)

For any queries please contact the Conference Organizing Committee at easrconference [at]

Women’s Rights in the Islamic World After the Arab Spring

Location: New York

Date: 2013-05-08

Description: There has been a great deal of hope, and some very real progress, in the enhancement of gender equality and womens rights in many of the Muslim majority nations following the surge of freedom and democracy of the Arab Spring. This program will try to put those advancements in historic context and ex


Announcement ID: 203288


Collaborative partnerships between universities and Muslim institutions: dismantling the roadblocks

Funded by Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

23rd May 2013, Senate House, London

(in collaboration with Human Rights Consortium, University of London )

27th June 2013, Birmingham University, Birmingham

(in collaboration with Centre for Islamic and Middle East studies, University of Birmingham)


Registration is now open for two conferences that are being organised as part of an ESRC funded follow-on project exploring Collaborative Partnerships between universities and Muslim institutions. This project builds on previous research around Muslim faith leadership, Islamic Studies in pluralist British contexts, women’s education and learning Arabic. Our research findings indicate that it is possible to address these issues at higher education level, focusing particularly on ways to forge a more cohesive society for Muslims and other Britons. This work will bring together Islamic Studies academics, scholars and practitioners (including professionals who may have aspects of Islamic studies in their work) to facilitate increased collaborative partnerships and linkages between UK universities and Muslim institutions, and is aimed both at academia and Muslim communities. Papers presented will explore various aspects of Islamic education at the HE (Higher Education) and FE (Further Education) levels, both in validated and non-validated sectors in Britain and beyond, across the following themes:

1.      Islamic Education for cohesion, pluralism and inter-faith dialogue

2.      Collaborative educational models in the UK and beyond

3.      Barriers to collaborative partnerships and possible solutions

4.      International and local best practice

5.      Approaches to theological training in other faiths

6.      Teaching and learning Arabic



Prof. Ron Geaves, Liverpool Hope University

Dr. Hany El Banna, Islamic Relief


Dr. Haifa Jawad, University of Birmingham

Prof. Robin Attfield, Cardiff University


To register for your place please visit – Registration is free, but places are limited so please register as soon as possible. For further details please visit our website – or contact the Project Administrator Michelle Wood by email on m.wood [at] or by phone on 01332 592896.


36th annual Denton Conference in Implicit Religion, at Ilkley Yorkshire, 10th-12th May 2013.

Further information is available on the CSIRCS website or edward.bailey [at]



Summer Internship – Religion and the Public Sphere

The Social Science Research Council (SSRC), an independent, nonprofit international organization devoted to the advancement of interdisciplinary research in the social sciences, seeks a summer 2013 intern for the Religion and the Public Sphere Program.


International ILEM Summer School “Transformation of Muslim World in the 21st Century”

Date: 2013-08-24

Description: International ILEM Summer School Transformation of Muslim World in the 21st Century 24-30 August 2013 / Istanbul ILEM is willing to share its own intellectual experience with academics, researchers and intellectuals from different geographies and to benefit from their experiences as well. To achieve …

Contact: iiss [at]


Announcement ID: 203322



The International Buddhist Academy (Boudha/Kathmandu) is happy to offer the following courses this summer:


– Colloquial Tibetan (May 29 – August 28)

– Introduction to Classical Tibetan (May 30 – July 23)

– May 29-June 25: Introduction to Buddhist practice, taught by Khenpo

 Jamyang Tenzin

– July 1-26 & August 1-28: the Bodhicaryavatara by Shantideva, taught

 by Khenpo Jorden and HE Ratna Vajra Rinpoche

– September 3-12 & 15-24: 2 meditation retreats led by Ven. Dhammadipa


For further details and registration, please visit:



Jacobs University Bremen – Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities





Clayton State University – Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Middle Eastern and/or North African History


University of Illinois – Urbana-Champaign – Visiting Lecturer of Chinese Studies
