Religious Studies Opportunities Digest – 29 January 2020

Welcome to a another edition of the Religious Studies Project Opportunities Digest! This week you will find two job, two conference call for papers, one post-doctoral position, one program, one journal call for papers and two events opportunities.

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Contract work: literature review of work on the concept worldview

RE Council

Deadline: 7 February 2020

More information (PDF)

Substitute professor in Japanese Buddhism

University of Hamburg, Germany

Deadline: 3 February 2020

More information:

Conference Call for Papers

Religion and Cultural Change

8–10 June 2020. Åbo/Turku, Finland

EXTENDED Deadline: 31 January 2020

More information (PDF)

Resistance to Order and Authority in Religion

International Doctoral Conference in Religious Studies at Central European University

25-27 June 2020. Budapest, Hungary

Deadline: 15 March 2020

More information:

Post-Doctoral Positions

Multiple Secularities – Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities

Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Leipzig University

Deadline: 30 January 2020

More information (PDF)


UCSIA Summer School on Religion, Mobility and Politics

23-30 August 2020. University of Antwerp, Belgium

Deadline: 15 March 2020

More information:

Journal Call for Papers

Religion & Science Fiction: This and Other Worlds

Special issue of Religions

Deadline: 10 May 2020

More information:  


Colloquium: Blasphemy and Violence. Interdependencies since 1760

4-5 March 2020. Ghent, Belgium

More information:

Life on the Breadline Conference: Faith-Based Activism in Austerity Britain

30 March 2020. Coventry University, UK

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