Welcome to the latest edition of The Religious Studies Project Opportunities Digest! This week you will find a conference call for papers, details of a summer school, a workshop, a conference, and a symposium, as well as four journal calls for papers.
As we approach the end of the RSP year, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are always looking to increase our pool of interviewers and respondents, or to receive suggestions for future podcasts, particularly in geographical regions which are underrepresented in our output, and on topics we have not yet covered. If you are interested, or have any suggestions, please get in touch via social media, or by emailing editors@religiousstudiesproject.com.
Thanks to everyone who has signed up to support the RSP thus far through our Patreon–and PayPal options. We are aiming for 100 patrons (currently 22) to fund planned developments over the coming year. See our donations page for details of how you can sign up for a regular subscription, leave a one-off donation, advertise with us, or use our Amazon links.
BASR-ISASR Conference – Final Reminder
Borders and Boundaries: ‘Religion’ on the Periphery
3 – 5 September 2018, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK
Deadline: 25 May 2018
More information: https://basr.ac.uk/annual-conference-2018/
Summer School in Scienze Religiose
Tradizioni religiose, scuole e società // Dialoghi e conflitti in Europa tra passato e presente
23–28 August 2018, Monastero Santa Croce di Bocca di Magra, Italy.
Deadline: 15 June 2018.
Candidates must submit an application for admission by June 15, 2018, attaching their curriculum vitae and a motivational letter to the following email address: sumsdaad@gmail.com
More information (PDF) – Italian and German.
More information (PDF) – Italian and German.
Conference: Breastfeeding(s) and Religions
11 – 12 July 2018, Erfurt, Germany.
Symposium: Religion as Political Communication
7 June 2018, Loughborough University, UK
More information: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/crcc/events/eventslist/religion-as-political-communication.html
Open Theology Special Issues
Calls for papers on “Phenomenology of Religious Experience”, “Recognizing Encounters with Ultimacy across Religious Boundaries”, “Intersubjectivity and Reciprocal Causality within Contemporary Understanding of the God-World Relationship” and “Cognitive Linguistics and Theology”.
Deadlines variable.