Welcome to the final RSP opportunities digest of 2017, where you will find details of a conference call for papers, two jobs, and a shout-out for the RSP’s journal, Implicit Religion. This week’s opportunities digest is sponsored by the Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements, whose advert for their 2018 conference season kicks off the digest.
Thank you so much to everyone who has signed up to support the RSP thus far through our Patreon–and PayPal options. We are aiming for 100 patrons (currently still 16) to fund planned developments over the coming year. See our donations page for details of how you can sign up for a regular subscription, leave a one-off donation, advertise with us, or use our Amazon links. Particularly with the ‘festive season’ coming up, it couldn’t be easier to be part of the solution and not the problem!
2018 CenSAMM conference season
September 2018 “Natural Disasters and Apocalypse 1500 – Present”
We invite papers from those working across disciplines including, but not limited to Religious Studies, the Arts in all their forms, Humanities and Social Sciences to contribute to a two-day symposium.
Deadline: 31 March 2018
More information: http://censamm.org/conferences/call-for-papers/natural-disasters-and-the-apocalypse-1500-to-present-sept-13-and-14-2018
Full-time Post-doc position
Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences on “Multiple Secularities – Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities”, Leipzig University, Germany.
Deadline: 10 January 2018
Funded PhD Opportunities
PhD Student Excellence Awards 2018/19, University of Strathclyde, UK
Five awards across the following subject areas:
- English, Journalism or Creative Writing, or History (School of Humanities)
- Law (School of Law)
- Counselling, Physical Activity for Health, Psychology or Speech and Language Therapy (School of Psychological Sciences and Health)
- Social Work or Social Policy (School of Social Work and Social Policy)
- Education (School of Education)
More information: https://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/postgraduateresearchopportunities/hasspgropportunities/humanitiespgropportunities/phdstudentecellenceawards201819/
Deadline: 10 March 2018
Implicit Religion
Published in collaboration with the RSP, Implicit Religion is always keen for critically engaged articles focusing on boundary cases in the study of ‘religion’.
Deadline: Rolling
More information: https://journals.equinoxpub.com/index.php/IR/about/submissions