Religious Studies Opportunities Digest – 19 April 2013

We are not responsible for any content contained herein, but have simply copied and pasted from a variety of sources. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page.wordle 2013

In this issue:

  • Resources

  • Journals

  • Call for papers

  • Conferences

  • Jobs



The following are some of the themes which will be covered in future podcasts

  • Religion and the Law

  • Podcast Interviews from SOCREL



PhD’s Education Index

The project is a comprehensive and informative resource that systematically sorts out the available undergraduate and graduate programs available today in the U.S. This information is very valuable to students today who are not only dealing with the competitive nature of higher education, but also the rising costs of it.



Journal of Religion and Popular Culture, vol 25, no. 1

Journal of Hindu Studies


CfP AAA Meeting 2013. New Panel – Magic in Romania

Location: Illinois

Date: 2013-04-15

Description: Magic in Romania The anthropological literature dealing with problems of transition out of socialism has shed little light on the accelerating revitalization of magical practices,occurring throughout the former socialist orders in Europe. This is in part because there is little consensus today withi …

Contact: alexandra.cotofana[at]

Announcement ID: 202976


CFP: The International Journal of Philosophy and Theology…


CFP: Journal of Japanese Philosophy


Call for Papers Date: 2013-07-31

Date Submitted: 2013-04-09

Announcement ID: 202898

The Journal of Japanese Philosophy, published by SUNY Press, is the first and only international peer-reviewed journal on Japanese philosophy. The first issue contains essays by Fujita Masakatsu, John Maraldo, Bret Davis, Graham Parkes, and others. We are currently inviting submissions for our following issues. The journal aims to demonstrate the relevance of Japanese philosophy. It welcomes rigorous academic papers on all time periods and all areas of Japanese philosophy, classical to contemporary, from a variety of perspectives, including interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and comparative studies.


The entire article does not have to be focused on a Japanese philosophy or philosopher as long as some Japanese philosophy or philosopher plays a significant role in the article. The article should not exceed 8,000 words and should follow the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style ( For details refer to Send your inquiries and submissions tojapanesephilosophy [at]


We are a new academic press based in Oregon (USA) and current seeking  potential manuscripts for publication.  Sirius Academic Press has been  established to address to several challenges unique to the academic  market.  First, many young academics face difficult challenges in  finding a publisher in the current market, and too many good theses

are going the (unfortunately easier) route of non-peer reviewed and  for-profit presses.  This leads ultimately to the loss of good early  research, which is later sold at prohibitive prices. Second, many  institutions today wish to publish anthologies, as well as the  proceedings of conferences and colloquia, but do not have a large  budget for editorial costs with a major university press.

Thus the beginning of Sirius Academic Press.  We also believe that  with a small editorial staff and collaboration with academic  colleagues around the globe, quality scholarship can be published for  much lower prices than many other large institutions are currently  offering.

Our focus primarily on the liberal arts and social sciences, and  Sirius believes in peer review, professionalism, and assisting  academics by making their research available to the international  market. The Sirius Academic team sees its authors as partners, and  works to produce quality texts at a competitive price.

In short, our publishing focus is three-fold:

Monographs and Dissertations

Conference Proceedings

Peer-Reviewed Anthologies


If you believe that you or your institution could benefit from our  services, please let us know, and we’d be glad to speak further you.  Manuscript-related inquiries are welcome at <editor[at]>.


CFP: In the Balance: Indigeneity, Performance, Globalization  (24-27 October 2013, London UK)

An international conference examining the power and precariousness of indigeneity as a politicized cultural force in our unevenly connected world.


Deadline for proposals for 20-minute conference papers: 30 April 2013

Conference website:


Keynote speakers: Faye Ginsburg, Michael Greyeyes, Tracy Devine Guzmán and Margaret Werry

Guidelines for proposals can be found at

The conference will coincide with a 17-day international festival and a performance-based exhibition, both focusing on First Nations Arts



Risk and Rapture: Apocalyptic Imagination in Late Modernity

Centre for Faiths and Public Policy, University of Chester

Wednesday 11th September 2013

Keynote Speaker: Professor Scott Lash (Goldsmiths College, University of London)


Apocalypse captivates the human imagination. Once synonymous with ‘end of the world’ scenarios and confined largely to the religious, the term is part of vernacular language in the West and is used to describe a myriad of events from the fiscal difficulties of the Eurozone to nuclear war, from environmental disaster to the dangers of digital technology.

The advancement of science and technology has assisted in expediting anxiety with regard to apocalyptic catastrophe because such ‘progress’ has produced unforeseen hazards and risks. Critical theories of risk have been developed that harness and organise responses to scientific developments in an attempt to provide solutions to possible catastrophe. It is suggested that in order to prevent global catastrophe, modern society must be reflexive. Moreover, the advent of such hazards has served as a recruiting sergeant for fundamentalist religious groups who have clear and explicit eschatologies. Rather than viewing possible risks and hazards as by-products of late modernity—‘signs of the times’, they are re-interpreted as ‘signs of the end times’. Consequently, one strand that runs through the above is the political implications of apocalyptic ideology and theories of risk. Whether this is the focus some Christian dispensationalist groups put on the role of the state of Israel in the Middle East, or the so-called catastrophic acceleration of global-warming, decisions based on interpretations of these inevitably have political ramifications.


The purpose of this inter-disciplinary conference is to investigate and evaluate some of the variety of apocalyptic discourse that exists in contemporary popular western culture along with critical theories of risk. Papers are invited that explore both the secular and religio-political dimensions of apocalyptic language in contemporary society and include, but not restricted to, the following themes:


· Secular interpretations of apocalypse;

· Religio-political apocalyptic discourse;

· Critical theories that seek solutions to contemporary notions of risk;

· Correlations between critical theories of risk and apocalyptic ideology;

· The growth of fundamentalisms as a reaction to risk culture(s).


Proposals for short papers are invited on any aspects or themes related to the above. Papers will be 20 minutes in length with an additional 10 minutes discussion. Applications to submit a paper should include:

· Proposer’s name and affiliation;

· Title of the paper;

· 250-word abstract;

· Details of any audio-visual equipment you will need to deliver your paper.


Short paper proposals should be submitted to Riskraptureconf [at] by no later than 4pm on Monday 22nd April 2013.

Conference costs: £50 (£25 unwaged and students) inclusive of lunch and refreshments.

Conference registration will open in due course.


Forms of Exchange: China and the Muslim World

Location: California

Date: 2013-04-18

Description: Forms of Exchange: China and the Muslim World April 18-19, 2013 Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California BerkeleyFree and open to the public. April 18, 4 pm, UC Berkeley Faculty Club April 19, 9:30 am, Institute of East  Asian Studies, UC Berkeley Chinese have interacted with Muslim

Contact: email: ccary [at]


Announcement ID: 202926


Centre for Marian Studies with the Digby Stuart Research Centre for Human Flourishing

Mary and Women in Christianity and Islam

Conference and study day

University of Roehampton

Saturday June 8th 2013, 10.a.m – 5.p.m

An opportunity to consider the relationship between women and the figure of the Virgin Mary in both Islam and Christianity

Speakers include:

Mohammad Saeed Bahmanpour (The Islamic College for Advanced Studies, London), Tina Beattie (University of Roehampton), Basma Elshayyal (Islamia Girls’ High School, London)

and Tim Winter (University of Cambridge)

Fee:  £25.  Free to members of the University of Roehampton.

(Please enquire about a reduced fee in case of need.)

Further details from Dr. Sarah Jane Boss, Dept. of Humanities,

University of Roehampton, Roehampton Lane, London  SW15 5PU.

E-mail: sarah.boss [at]


Comparative Culture Forum April 2013

Date: 2013-04-20

Description: COMPARATIVE CULTURE FORUM April 2013 (Nagoya Comparative Culture Forum-Japan Conference) PROGRAM Date & Time: 20 April 2013 (13:00 through 16:00) Venue: Satellite Branch, Graduate School of Aichi-Gakuin University (11th Floor, Chunichi Building, 4-chome Sakae, Nagoya, Japan) Presentation 1: Minoru M …

Contact: tsn [at]

Announcement ID: 202912


4th Annual Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities

Location: California

Date: 2013-04-26

Description: Please join us for the 4th Annual Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities on April 26-27, 2013. Our keynote speaker this year is Professor Eugenia Lean, East Asian Languages and Culture, Columbia University. Initiated in 2010, the annual Berkeley-Stanford Graduate    …

Contact: ciho [at]


Announcement ID: 202964


Wrath of God: The films of Klaus Kinski

Date: 2013-05-31

Description: This is a call for papers, for a new anthology tentatively titled Wrath of God: The films of Klaus Kinski. The collection looks to bring together a series of essays (interviews with filmmakers, will be welcome) on one of cinema’s truly volatile sons. Particular emphasis on Kinski’s more exploitive r …

Announcement ID: 202914


Leiden University – Assistant Professor in modern Korean culture



Leiden University – Instructor in Korean



University of Hong Kong – Assistant Professor in Hong Kong Studies in

the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (SMLC)



University of Hong Kong – Assistant Professor in Japanese-Korean

Studies in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (SMLC)



University of Sussex – Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in East Asian History



Zayed University – Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in East Asia Studies



California State University – Chico – Instructor, Ancient History



University of California – Berkeley – Lecturer, Ancient History,

University of California, Berkeley



University of California, Berkeley – Lecturer, Tamil Language
