Welcome to the seventh RSP Opportunities Digest for 2014. Special materialistic romantic greetings to you all. As ever, please remember that we are not responsible for any content contained herein unless it is directly related to the RSP. If you have any content for future digests, please contact us via the various options on our ‘contact’ page. If you are enquiring about any of the opportunities listed below, please contact the organizers directly.
To skip to specific content within this digest, please use the table of contents to the right of your screen. This digest has been significantly pared down to basic details and web links. We hope this meets with your approval. We are about to appoint a new editor for the digest, so expect some changes in the coming weeks.
Those supplying calls for papers etc. must provide a link to external information, or a pdf containing the relevant information, otherwise we will not be able to include these in the digest.
Calls for Papers
Religion and Architecture
Panel on the forgotten connections between religion and modernist architecture in the post-WWII world
ISIH-conference in Toronto.
Religion in Social Relations
The Hungarian Historical Review
Deadline for abstracts: 28 Feb 2014
Constructing Orthodoxies and Heresies in the Islamic World
2014 MAMEIS Annual Conference
Abstracts Due: Friday, February 14 2014
Saturday April 12, 2014, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois
Religion in Everyday lives
Centre for Research in Social sciences and Humanities
Interdisciplinary Conference on Religion in Everyday lives
Vienna, Austria, 28-29. 03. 2014.
Special Issue of Fat Studies
“Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society”
Religion and Fat, guest edited by Lynne Gerber,
Susan Hill and LeRhonda Manigault-Bryant.
Journal of Religious Studies, History and Society
Journal of Religious Studies, History and Society (Revista Ciências da Religião – Historia e Sociedade)
Journal URL http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/cr
Contact for queries and submissions: suzana.coutinho@mackenzie.br
Oxford X 2014
Astronomy, Indigenous Knowledge, and Interpretation
Abstracts Due March 1, 2014
South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO), Cape Town, South Africa
The Pentecostalisation of Public Spheres
Religion & Society @Leeds Research Day
14 March 2014, Fairbairn House, Main Building Upper Chapel
The Use of Tafsir in Translating the Koran
Centre for the History of Arabic Studies in Europe (CHASE)
28 February 2014, at the Warburg Institute, London.
Food and Ritual: Ancient Practices, Modern Perspectives
Corpus Christi College, Oxford, March 19-21st, 2014.
University of Cape Town – Lecturer: Asian Religions
Antioch University – Instructor, Buddhist Studies Program
University of Pittsburgh – Visiting Assistant Professor
University of Edinburgh – Religious Studies, Teaching Fellow
Keble College, Oxford – Reformation history and theology
12 February 2014 – New academic blog promotes discussion about secularity, nonreligion and atheism.
Summer School
Mysticism and Esotericism
University of Groningen in collaboration with Erfurt, Aarhus, and Rice University.
“Mysticism and Esotericism in Pluralistic Perspective: Conflicting Claims of Knowledge and the Power of Individualism” (29 June – 5 July 2014).