Readers will have to excuse any deficiencies in the content or presentation of this week’s digest. Jane is enjoying a well-deserved week off, so this week the Opps Digest comes to you from the keyboard of Chris. He isn’t quite as awesome as Jane, nor as Norwegian.
Things have picked up this week, but as ever we invite one and all to contribute to the Opportunities Digest: If you receive calls for papers, notifications about conferences and events, relevant job opportunities or online resources, we’d love to hear about them!
Soon, we won’t have any more (ish) football to watch, and can all get back to our research. As if…
Anyway – thanks for reading (and listening!)
Calls for Papers
Atheism, Secularity, and Science
Special Issue of Science, Religion & Culture. Guest edited by: John R. Shook, Ralph W. Hood Jr., and Thomas J. Coleman III.
The deadline for all submissions is December 31 2014.
The Marginalization of Astrology
Conference. Utrecht, 19-20 March 2015
Deadline: 30 September 2014.
Gender and Diversity Issues in Religious-Based Institutions and Organizations
A book edited by Blanche Jackson Glimps (Tennessee State University, USA) and Theron N. Ford (John Carroll University, USA)
July 15, 2014: Proposal Submission Deadline
August 15, 2014: Notification of Acceptance
February 28, 2015: Final Chapter Submission
The Power of the Word International Conference IV
Pontifical University of St Anselm, Rome, 17-20 June, 2015
Abstract Deadline: 15 November 2014
Entangled Religions
Entangled Religions: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of Religious.
General call for papers (PDF) and reviews (PDF).
I:MAGE Day of Lectures
One day event in partnership between Fulgur Esoterica and the Warburg Institute, London, October 25 2014. “Leading scholars in the field will present original research on the intersection between artistic currents such as Surrealism, modernism and abstraction and esoteric movements such as witchcraft, Spiritualism, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and Theosophy.”
Event homepage:
Click here for a full programme and a list of speakers.
What Should Schools Teach About Religion?
FCSU Fellows Seminar Series 2013-14: Faith in the Public Realm
SEMINAR 6: What Should Schools Teach About Religion?
16th July 2014, 5-7pm, Goldsmiths, London, NAB LG01
The seminar will be chaired by Goldmsith’s Prof. Adam Dinham, Director of the Religious Literacy Programme. Panel members will include FCSU Fellow, Stephen Shashoua, Director of 3FF; Aisling Cohn, Schools Manager at 3FF; Joyce Miller, Chair-elect of the RE Council and Martha Shaw, FCSU, Researcher on Re For Real, a project exploring views on learning about religion and belief in schools.
Places are limited, so please register with Tim Stacey (
Hinduism, Christianity, and Religious Liberal Toleration
Jeff Spinner-Halev, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Thursday 3 July 2014
5pm, Council Room, UCL School of Public Policy
29-30 Tavistock Square, WC1H 9QU London
All are welcome. If you wish to be added to our mailing list, please email Aurelia Bardon ( or Lois Lee (
To attend, please register at
Online Resources
Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis
The publication series Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, published by the Donner Institute for Religious and Cultural History in Åbo/Turku Finland, is now available online as an open access publication at
Radicalisation Research
A website which brings high-quality academic research on radicalisation and extremism to the attention of the media and policy–makers and others with an interest in these areas.
Free Access to Virtual Special Issues from Folklore
Throughout June and July 2014, you can access over 100 articles from the academic journal Folklore, including themed collections on Paganism, Folklore, Religion and Contemporary Spirituality, and Death, Burial and the Afterlife. All virtual special issues can be explored at
Interfaith Relations in Myanmar
University of Muenster/Germany
More information (Deutsch) (PDF).
Lecturer/Assistant Professor Ancient History
University of Groningen
PhD Studentship
Brazil-Australia Pentecostal Connections
University of Western Sydney